English follows Japanese.ベーシックデザインながら、横から見たときのシルエットやタックを入れ程よいボリューム感にこだわったスリーブなど、こなれ感のあるシルエットがSAWASAWAらしいマキシ丈シャツワンピースです。一枚で着るのにも安心な着丈と落ち感のある切り替えでカジュアルになりすぎず大人な印象を演出してくれます。
着丈:約125cm / 肩幅:55cm / バスト:約111cm / 袖丈:約48.5cm / 裄丈:約76cm / 袖口:約22cm
* VLISCO社リアルワックスプリントとは
キテンゲ、パーニュとも呼ばれるコットン100%のWAX PRINT(ワックスプリント-ろうけつ染め)。
Maxi shirt dress (マキシ丈シャツワンピース)
While basic design, the beautiful silhouette from both sides and the just right volume make this dress a SAWASAWA-like silhouette dress with a cozy feel.
The comfortable length and the low waist line give this dress a mature impression without being too casual.
You can wear it in various ways, whether as a casual style woven or as a feminine maxi dress.
You can enjoy this dress in a variety of styles, depending on the accessories and shoes you wear; such as sandals, sneakers, or heels. And you can change your impression depending on your mood.
Length: 125cm / Shoulder width: 55cm /Bust: 111cm / Sleeve length: 48.5cm / *Sleeve length (CB): 76cm / Cuff: 22cm
(Approximate sizes)
*Length between the back center of the collar to the edge of the sleeve.
100% cotton (Real wax print)
You can check the size by height on this page.
Because of VLISCO real wax print fabric(*), this dress has fine texture.
*What is VLISCO Real Wax Print?
Wax Print, also known as Kitenge or Pagne, is a thicker 100% cotton fabric that has been dyed in over 25 different processes using wax and resin. The fabric is very carefully dyed in detail.
The reverse side and the front side are equally indistinguishable. It is said that the more solid the print is, the higher the quality is.
Click Here For More Info!
SAWASAWA is an official distributor of VLISCO in Japan
Important Notice:
Because of total patterned fabrics, the patterns of the actual product may look vary from sample photos.
Please wash our products with other clothes separately in case the color might bleed.
If left for a long time wet with sweat or water, discoloration and color transfer may occur. After washing, please adjust the shape promptly and dry in the shadow.
Specifications, sizes, and garment manufacture on this website might be slightly different from those of real products.
Details and colors seen on the screen might be slightly different from the actual products depending on the monitor environment used, as well as your OS and browser version.
Unlike digitally printed fabrics, Real wax prints we use may have a random batik texture (bubbles (African dot pattern), cracks, etc.) We appreciate your understanding!
着丈:約125cm / 肩幅:55cm / バスト:約111cm / 袖丈:約48.5cm / 裄丈:約76cm / 袖口:約22cm
* VLISCO社リアルワックスプリントとは
キテンゲ、パーニュとも呼ばれるコットン100%のWAX PRINT(ワックスプリント-ろうけつ染め)。
Maxi shirt dress (マキシ丈シャツワンピース)
While basic design, the beautiful silhouette from both sides and the just right volume make this dress a SAWASAWA-like silhouette dress with a cozy feel.
The comfortable length and the low waist line give this dress a mature impression without being too casual.
You can wear it in various ways, whether as a casual style woven or as a feminine maxi dress.
You can enjoy this dress in a variety of styles, depending on the accessories and shoes you wear; such as sandals, sneakers, or heels. And you can change your impression depending on your mood.
Length: 125cm / Shoulder width: 55cm /Bust: 111cm / Sleeve length: 48.5cm / *Sleeve length (CB): 76cm / Cuff: 22cm
(Approximate sizes)
*Length between the back center of the collar to the edge of the sleeve.
100% cotton (Real wax print)
You can check the size by height on this page.
Because of VLISCO real wax print fabric(*), this dress has fine texture.
*What is VLISCO Real Wax Print?
Wax Print, also known as Kitenge or Pagne, is a thicker 100% cotton fabric that has been dyed in over 25 different processes using wax and resin. The fabric is very carefully dyed in detail.
The reverse side and the front side are equally indistinguishable. It is said that the more solid the print is, the higher the quality is.
Click Here For More Info!
SAWASAWA is an official distributor of VLISCO in Japan
Important Notice:
Because of total patterned fabrics, the patterns of the actual product may look vary from sample photos.
Please wash our products with other clothes separately in case the color might bleed.
If left for a long time wet with sweat or water, discoloration and color transfer may occur. After washing, please adjust the shape promptly and dry in the shadow.
Specifications, sizes, and garment manufacture on this website might be slightly different from those of real products.
Details and colors seen on the screen might be slightly different from the actual products depending on the monitor environment used, as well as your OS and browser version.
Unlike digitally printed fabrics, Real wax prints we use may have a random batik texture (bubbles (African dot pattern), cracks, etc.) We appreciate your understanding!